Social task - Read celebrity & gossip magazine at a neighbor's house
Here I started the recording when I was already at my neighbors house.
To go to you neighbors town simply click on the globe or the party boat to visit your neighbor.
For this task you need a neighbor that has a Stack of magazines placed in their house.
Don't forget that to get good neighbors you should make yourself a good and attractive neighbor.
If you are looking for something in a neighbor's town that is hard to find, so are other players. I always make sure I always buy the things that I myself have trouble finding and place them in a selected house.
If you want to buy the Stack of magazines it can be found in the living room section of the home store for 600 simoleons.
Click on the Stack of magazines and select the option celebrity & gossip
I have done this about 4 times but when they are done reading the magazine it does nothing toward the quest. Any ideas?
SvaraRaderaDo you leave the house in between? You can try to stay and watch for 3 minutes (the time it takes to read the magazine) and see if that helps
RaderaNone of the neighbors houses have Magazine stacks