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lördag 27 september 2014

Building a second floor

This video is dedicated to my 6 year old nephew Samuel that called me today on Facetime asking me how to build a second story on his house.

To be able to perform this action you have to be on level 17 and complete the mission multi story renovations and you can build it.

Click on the chair icon to open the home store. Go to the house section and select the floor construction tab just right of the room tab. The icon look like three sheets of paper floating on top of each other - the icon is trying to represent the three floors you can build.

A blue grid will appear marking out the new floor, it will also show the cost for the new floor.
Once you buy it you can place rooms on the second floor.

To reach the second floor you need a staircase in place. It is find just right of the floor construction tab in the home store and has a stair icon :)

The cheapest stair will set you back 30,000 simoleons. When you place the stairs make sure your sim can reach the second floor by marking any spot on the second floor. If the sim cannot reach it make sure the entrance to the stairs are not blocked by any furniture.

söndag 21 september 2014

Catch a fish in a neighbor's town

Social task -- Catch a fish in a neighbors town.

I started this task when I was already visiting my neighbor. To go and visit your neighbors use the globe icon and the party boat. Go to your park and bring an inactive adult sim to the park with the whistle.
Click on the fishing rod and select any of the options.

Use neighbor's woodworking bench

Social task - Quick practice using a neighbor's woodworking bench.

Go to your neighbors town using the globe icon and the party boat. For this task you can visit any neighbor that has build the community center. When you come to the town, find the community center at the northwest corner of your town. On the second floor here you will find woodworking benches. Click on a bench and select option Quick practice.

I want to look after horses by feeding, grooming and petting them!

Life dream for teenager with animal fanatic personality - I want to look after horses by feeding, grooming and petting them!

Go to the stables and call your sim here with the whistle. Click on any horse and select one of the options - here I used Talk with horse that takes 4,5 hours to complete.

tisdag 16 september 2014

I want to play Frisbee with a dog all day long!

Life dream for teenager with animal fanatic personality - I want to play Frisbee with a dog all day long!

The perfect excuse to get a Frisbee for your social house =)
You can find it in the Pet section of the home store for 3 life points (or 6 or 15 if you want more exclusive design).
Click on the frisbee and select the option Wear out dog, the task will take 9 hours to complete.

I want to feed and sit with the ducks in the park to see what makes them tick!

Life dream for preteen with animal fanatic personality - I want to feed and sit with the ducks in the park to see what makes them tick!

Go to the park and call your sim here with the whistle. Click on the ducks and select the option Watch Ducks. The task will take 9 hour to complete.

söndag 14 september 2014

I want to dance with the big dog things grown ups call horses!

Life dream for toddler with animal fanatic personality - I want to dance with the big dog things grown ups call horses!

Go to the stable and call your toddler here with the whistle. Click on a horse and select option Dance with horse.

I want to bro hug a neighbor's sim

Social task - I want to bro hug a neighbor's sim.

Use an adult sim for this task, I first thought that I needed a male sim but I don't think gender matters. Here you fist have to build up a "god friend" relationship with a sim in your neighbors town. Keep doing greeen social task such as "Be nice" to one specific sim and they will soon become good friends and the option should become available.

Go to you neighbor's house and go to the house where your good friend lives. Click on the sim and select option Bro hug.

I want to perform as many Horse Tricks as possible at the Stables!

Life goal for an adult - I want to perform as many Horse Tricks as possible at the Stables!

Go to the stables on the map and call your sim here with the whistle. Click on a horse and select the option Horse Tricks. The options takes 3 hours to complete.

I want to perform Vaulting on a Horse as much as possible at the Stables!

Life goal for an adult - I want to perform Vaulting on a Horse as much as possible at the Stables!

Here you need a 2-star horse to be able to perform vaulting. To unlock the 2-star horse you first have to complete the full collection for the horse trick hobby.

Go to the stables on the map and call your sim here with the whistle. Click on the 2-star horse and select the option Vaulting.

Read celebrity & gossip magazine at a neighbor's house

Social task - Read celebrity & gossip magazine at a neighbor's house

Here I started the recording when I was already at my neighbors house. To go to you neighbors town simply click on the globe or the party boat to visit your neighbor. For this task you need a neighbor that has a Stack of magazines placed in their house. Don't forget that to get good neighbors you should make yourself a good and attractive neighbor. If you are looking for something in a neighbor's town that is hard to find, so are other players. I always make sure I always buy the things that I myself have trouble finding and place them in a selected house. If you want to buy the Stack of magazines it can be found in the living room section of the home store for 600 simoleons.

Click on the Stack of magazines and select the option celebrity & gossip

I want to read books so I can become an author

Life dream for preteen with entertainment personality - I want to read books so I can become an author and write great books like Tale of Two Simcities!

Click on a bookshelf and select the longest possible option. Here I went for Big Book of Stuff. It will take even longer time if you have a 1 star bookshelf.

I want to Study Trigonometry as much as I can

Life dream for teenager with geek personality - I want to Study Trigonometry as much as I can.

Click on a bookshelf and select option Study trigonometry. It takes 3 hour to complete with a 1 star bookshelf.

I want to use computers!

Life dream for senior with entertainment personality - I want to use computers! I know a thing or two about vacuum tubes, how hard could it be? Maybe I've got a telegram waiting for me!

Get a cheap computer and use it as much as possible. Option Play SIm City will take 3 hours on the cheapest 1 star computer.

lördag 13 september 2014

I want to watch hilarious cat videos every day for as long as possible on the computer!

Life dream for preteen with animal fanatic personality - I want to watch hilarious cat videos every day for as long as possible on the computer!

Click on a computer and select option Watch Cat Videos. The cheaper the computer the better since the action will then take longer time and you will complete the life dream faster.

I want to see as many different kinds of animals as possible on TV!

Life dream for preteen with animal fanatic personality - I want to see as many different kinds of animals as possible on TV!

Click on the TV and select the longest possible option - here I picked Movie marathon. If you have a cheaper TV the option will take longer and you will earn more life points.

I want to practice my communication skills by talking on the phone all day long!

Life dream teen with entertainment trait - I want to practice my communication skills by talking on the phone all day long!

Click on the phone and select the longest possible option - here I selected On hold to tech support that takes 5 hours to complete.

I want to see weather a cat will talk to me if I play with it for long enough

Life dream for toddler with animal fanatic personality - I want to see weather a cat will talk to me if I play with it for long enough

Click on the cat and select option Cat Whispering. The action takes 4 hours to complete.

I want to play with all the dogs I can!

Life dream for toddler with animal fantastic personality - I want to play with all the dogs I can!

A dog can be bought in the pet shop just south of the park. When the dog is not occupied by digging up you backyard simply click on the dog and the option Play Session. The action takes 6 hours to complete.

I want to learn how parrots act by imitating them!

Life dream for toddler with animal fanatic personality - I want to learn how parrots act by imitating them!

I I got the parrot as a reward for clearing the bird feeding challenge.
If you have not cleared it, it is described in this blog: http://simsfp.blogspot.se/2014/02/bird-feeding.html
Click on the parrot and the option Imitate Parrot appears, the task will take 5 hours to complete.

måndag 1 september 2014

I want to get all Dr Whoozits memorabilia via the internet and send it to a museum

Life dream for senior with sporty personality - I want to get all Dr Whoozits memorabilia via the internet and send it to a museum.

Click on a Computer and select Search Dr Whoozit memorabilia auctions. The cheaper the Computer is, the better, since life points are based on how long the task takes to complete.

I want to practice sleeping so I can have fantastic dreams that inspire my magical adventures!

Life dream for toddler with entertainer personality - I want to practice sleeping so I can have fantastic dreams that inspire my magical adventures!

Sleep like there is no tomorrow! Click on a bed and select any option - Hibernate is the longest one and will give you maximal life points.

I want to write letters to sci-fi celebrities on a computer

Life dream for senior with sporty personality - I want to write letters to sci-fi celebrities on a computer.

Click on the computer and select the option Write letters to sci-fi celebrities