Don't forget that to get good neighbors you should make yourself a good and attractive neighbor.
If you are looking for something in a neighbor's town that is hard to find, so are other players. I always make sure I always buy the things that I myself have trouble finding and place them in a selected house making it easy for my friends to find. Here the mission to design fashion comes down to finding a neighbor that actually has a fashion studio. The fashion studio can be purchased from the hobby shop south of the park for 2,500 simoleons, don't forget to get your own.
Click on the globe or the party boat to visit your neighbor, select an adult sim for this task.
Click on the house that contains the fashion studio to take your sim to this house. Click on the fashion studio and select option Design fashion.
how can i access the second floor of a neighbor's house?
SvaraRaderaTo access the second floor use the floor icon in the top right corner.
RaderaThe default value is 1 but for a house with multiple stories you should be able to get a higher number when clicking.
Click on it and then click anywhere on the second story to make your sim go to this location. This tutorial video might also help:
how can i find a neighbours house that has a fashion studio???
SvaraRaderaHere is a good place to find neighbours:
How can you do it when you haven't got Facebook?
SvaraRaderaUse the Game Center app to add neighbours. Here is a good place to find neighbors:
How do you find a house that has a fashion studio
SvaraRaderaUse the Game Center app to add neighbours. Here is a good place to find neighbors:
How do i find a neighbour that has a fashion studio
SvaraRaderaSee answer above
RaderaMy friend has a fashion studio and so do I but when I go to my friend's house I can't see their studio. How do we make it appear so I can see it and complete this task?
SvaraRaderaAre you sure you are at the right house? Nothing in your friends house should be hidden from you
RaderaIt's because it takes a couple of days to pop up ... Richard .
SvaraRaderaIt's because it takes a couple of days to pop up ... Richard .
SvaraRaderai cant find house with fashion studio. help please
SvaraRaderai cant find my neighboor's house with fashion studio. help please
SvaraRaderaI dont have game center bcs im using android. Can you help me with facebook account ? I always skip the quest if that related to other neighbors bcs i cant add them like in game center
SvaraRaderaMaybe you can use this site:
SvaraRaderaIm looking for the studio in the neighbors house but its not there. help me pls
SvaraRaderaYou can add me:
RaderaHouse with fireworks